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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - subscribe


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гл. 1) подписать(ся) 2) присоединяться 3) соглашаться (to) 4) жертвовать деньги - subscribe for shares - subscribe to a loan - subscribe to shares SUBSCRIBE гл. 1) эк. жертвовать деньги He subscribed ?400 to the campaign. — Он пожертвовал на кампанию ?400. 2) а) СМИ подписываться (на газеты, журналы и т. п.) б) фин. подписываться (на ценные бумаги из нового выпуска) to subscribe for to shares — подписываться на акции в) общ. записываться (в библиотеку, на учебный курс и т. д.) 3) эк., юр. подписывать (документ), ставить свою подпись to subscribe one's name to a documentподписать документ, поставить свою подпись под документом 4) общ. соглашаться, присоединяться (к мнению и т. п.) to subscribe to an opinion — согласиться с мнением to subscribe to a proposal — присоединиться к предложению See: subscription
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См. в других словарях

  1. жертвовать деньги по подписке to subscribe for an amount of... —- подписаться на (пожертвовать) на такую-то сумму the sum needed was subscribed several times over —- подписка в несколько раз превысила нужную сумму to subscribe towards a wedding gift of smb. —- делать взнос на приобретение свадебного подарка кому-л. 2. (to) подписываться, приобретать по подписке to subscribe to a loan —- подписаться на заем to subscribe to a newspaper —- подписаться на газету to subscribe for a book —- подписаться на книгу he subscribes to a number of journals concerned with his subject —- он выписывает ряд журналов по своей специальности 3. подписать (кого-л.); выписать (для кого-л.) to subscribe smb. to a newspaper —- подписать кого-л. на газету 4. абонировать to subscribe to a box —- абонировать ложу 5. записываться to subscribe to a library —- записываться в (платную) библиотеку 6. (to) соглашаться, присоединяться (к чему-л.) to subscribe to an opinion —- согласиться с мнением to subscribe to a proposal —- присоединиться к предложению I can't subscribe to that statement —- я не могу поддержать это положение a view to which I never subscribed —- взгляд, которого я никогда не разделял 7. редк. подписывать (документ), ставить свою подпись to subscribe one's name to a document —- подписать документ, поставить свою подпись под документом I subscribe myself your humble servant —- (я) остаюсь...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) жертвовать деньги  2) to subscribe to/for - подписываться на (газеты, журналы и т.п.); How many people have subscribed for the book when it is primed?  3) подписывать(ся) (под чем-л.) (to); I was unwilling to subscribe to the contract, but it seemed that I had no choice.  4) присоединяться (к чьему-л. мнению и т.п.) (to); Only mad people would subscribe to such views. Syn: see consent ...
Англо-русский словарь
  абонировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. 1 (usu. foll. by to, for) a tr. & intr. contribute (a specified sum) or make or promise a contribution to a fund, project, charity, etc., esp. regularly. b intr. enter one's name in a list of contributors to a charity etc. c tr. raise or guarantee raising (a sum) by so subscribing. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by to) express one's agreement with an opinion, resolution, etc. (cannot subscribe to that). 3 tr. a write (esp. one's name) at the foot of a document etc. (subscribed a motto). b write one's name at the foot of, sign (a document, picture, etc.). Phrases and idioms subscribe for agree to take a copy or copies of (a book) before publication. subscribe oneself sign one's name as. subscribe to arrange to receive (a periodical etc.) regularly. Etymology: ME f. L subscribere (as SUB-, scribere script- write) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; subscribing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~re, literally, to write beneath, from sub- + scribere to write — more at scribe  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to write (one's name) underneath ; sign  2.  a. to sign (as a document) with one's own hand in token of consent or obligation  b. to attest by signing  c. to pledge (a gift or contribution) by writing one's name with the amount  3. to assent to ; support  intransitive verb  1. to sign one's name to a document  2.  a. to give consent or approval to something written by signing unwilling to ~ to the agreement  b. to set one's name to a paper in token of promise to give something (as a sum of money); also to give something in accordance with such a promise  c. to enter one's name for a publication or service; also to receive a periodical or service regularly on order ~d to many magazines  d. to agree to purchase and pay for securities especially of a new offering ~d for 1000 shares  3. to feel favorably disposed I ~ to your sentiments  Synonyms: see assent  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (subscribes, subscribing, subscribed) 1. If you subscribe to an opinion or belief, you are one of a number of people who have this opinion or belief. I’ve personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other. VERB: V to n 2. If you subscribe to a magazine or a newspaper, you pay to receive copies of it regularly. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science. VERB: V to n 3. If you subscribe to an online newsgroup or service, you send a message saying that you wish to receive it or belong to it. (COMPUTING) Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe. VERB: V to n, also V 4. If you subscribe for shares in a company, you apply to buy shares in that company. (BUSINESS) Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available. VERB: V for n, also V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to pay money regularly to have copies of a newspaper or magazine sent to you  (What newspaper do you subscribe to?) 2 BrE to pay money regularly to be a member of an organization or to help its work  (Chris subscribes to an environmental action group.) 3 BrE to give money regularly for a service  (People in the office subscribe -1 a week for coffee.) 4 formal to sign your name  (Please subscribe your name to the document.) subscribe for sth phr v to agree to buy or pay for shares (share2 (5))  (Each employee may subscribe for up to -2,000 worth of shares.) subscribe to sth phr v T usually in questions and negatives) if you subscribe to an idea, view etc, you agree with it or support it  (American administrations all subscribed to the belief that Communism was dangerous.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1425, "to sign at the bottom of a document," from L. subscribere "write underneath, sign one's name," from sub "underneath" + scribere "write." The meaning "give one's consent" first recorded 1549; that of "contribute money to" 1640; and that of "become a regular buyer of a publication" 1711, all originally literal. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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